Friday, April 26, 2013

Thanking God for Happy Endings

One of our Dexter cows was due last week.  I thought I had observed her in labor and had a child watching her.  She calmed down after several hours and did not deliver.  False alarm.

Fast forward a few sleepless nights and she is still pregnant... I decided that if there were no more signs I would call the vet on Monday.  After all, the cow was eating..pooping and peeing properly.... she is probably fine.  She is my favorite cow, so I am probably over reacting...right?

Monday comes and she eats her breakfast, like a cow.   Then the tail lifting starts.  I call at 8 to get an appointment as soon as the Dr can come.  10-2 is my time frame.  I watch her every 20 mins and the tail lifting becomes tail wringing ....10am....11am.... ugh.. lay down...pace around..... 12:00.  I decide that if he doesn't come 2:00 is the time I intervene.  I start tearing my house apart (nesting?)

Vet arrives at 1:00.  Cow is NOT happy about a stranger in her pen so we move her to the palpation shoot... The vet thinks it does not look good for the calf.. I am in agreement (Save my COW!!)

 Figuring out the problem.... feet are there...nose is there... probably not alive though....
 Applying the chains.... poor cow is MOOing and MOOing.... I am so sorry girl.
Vet has my youngest daughter help.

You can tell she is homeschooled and a country girl, no problem.. I will help and in my PJ's still at 1:30 (inst every one?)
 First signs of life.. feet are twitching a bit.... But will she be strong enough?
 DEFINITELY alive.... but we are still worried that she is not going to make it....
Here is the happy ending picture... she is alive and well.... nursing and walking within a half hour..

Now we need to name her :)

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