Monday, April 8, 2013


We generally live peacefully with the predators around us.  We have a resident Mountain Lioness that lives down the street, a single male bobcat that lives in the thicket on the adjoining parcel, and numerous hawks that fly over head.  None of them bother us.  We keep our animals in such a way that we have never lost one to those predators.

The Raccoon in the area  are another story entirely.  Somehow they figure out locks, slice through fencing, tear off walls....and many other horrible things to get at our animals.  I hate them.

I know, you are probably thinking "oh, how cute!!"  Any thing that tears the head off of another animal just to leave it to die is NOT cute in my book.  These two in particular have been horrible.  AND they refuse to be trapped.

Our ranch dog treed them (she was tired of their shenanigans as well!!).... I was trying to figure out how I could get both of them, since if I shot one... the other would run.... when my husband came along side me with both of our shotguns.  I used my .410 and he used his 12g.   One....two.....THREE... down they came tumbling...NEVER to kill a chicken again.

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