Monday, April 22, 2013

Planting Potatoes.. the way we do it.....

 When I was young we grew potatoes in garbage cans.   Potatoes are easy to grow, easy to come up with the "seeds" and the return on your time and investments is astounding.  With just a few garbage cans you can easily double the food you get from your garden with a product that is easily stored in the typical home.

I usually start with 5 or 6 inches of soil in the bottom of the can, and there I plant my potatoes.
 The potatoes will grow and as they grow you need to slowly over time add soil to the top of the green.  Yes, this means cover the leaves.  It will continue to grow....
 And you need to continue to add soil.....

How to Grow Potatoes 
Until it reaches the top..... then you just let it grow.

We try to pick the flowers off the plant as they come, but it does not always happen... you can begin harvest any time after they start to flower.. or leave them in the ground for a while.

The beauty of growing in the cans is that you can dump the whole can out... harvest the potatoes with a screen and use the dirt in rotation of another bed.  This plan keeps surprise potatoes from ending up in a bed, and rotation easier.

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