Friday, April 5, 2013

Artificial Insemination Class Completed

So, I finished the three day course for certification in AI.

Here is the little cow I qualified on.  This is not for the weak of heart... just for the folks that want to improve the genetics in their cows.

In the world of the Irish Dexter we have a saying "for a Dexter".   In other words folks will say..."Hey, that is a nice udder on that cow, for a Dexter"  "Look, that little steer will produce a nice carcass  for a Dexter" , do you get what I mean?

I would like to stop doing that.  I own a really nice, well bred bull.  But if he were any other breed, he would be a cull.  Not that there is anything too horrible about him... but he is not perfect.  There are several bulls around the world I would like a chance to breed to that are much closer to perfect.  With a breed like the Dexter, we need to breed the best and eat the rest.  It is the mantra of the Livestock Conservancy, and I think more of us that are bringing the old breeds back, need to take it seriously.

This is my bull:
He is really nice.....(did you say it?) for a Dexter!!  I have him for sale... but would not be sad if he did not sell, I love him...he is a sweet boy.  

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