Friday, April 19, 2013

Sowing Seeds

I need a lot of time alone.  Most people don't understand that, but most people are extroverts.  I am an introvert.  By that I do not mean that I am a quiet wall flower.. I am not.  By introvert I do not mean that I do not get along with others, I do.  By introvert, I simply mean that I need time alone to re-charge, to process thoughts and to remember who I am.  

Today in my garden I was contemplating all the changes that happen so fast in life.  And I was contemplating the little patch that I call the "kitchen garden" as it is right off my kitchen.  My kitchen garden is small and is mostly comprised of herbs, spices and salad fixings.  It has never grown very well since the soil is not very good.  My husband helped me tear it all out and roto-till and improve the soil with amendments from our farm.  Things are growing much better there.

The thoughts I was having are this:  I planted and and fussed and cared over this garden for several years before my husband had the time to help me.  No matter what I planted nothing really worked.  This ends up being so much like a relationship.  You can plant the seeds and tend the land.. but if you are planting in the wrong place you will just end up tired and empty handed.  

I would not go so far as to say I am empty handed right now, but a recent turn-of-events coupled with hurts and losses of the past make the loss I am dealing with very painful.  There is a never ending misunderstanding between introverts and extroverts and I grow weary of it.  

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