Friday, April 12, 2013

I Love Colloidal Silver

I LOVE Colloidal Silver.  I will go so far to say that if it were not for colloidal silver I would not be the woman I am today.  I use it for so many things, and it has saved more than one of my animals that others said would not make it.

This little piggie was too sick to go to the market.  You can see that her eye was swollen shut.  Mamma had rejected her and we missed her.  In this photo she is nearly a week and her eye looks lost.  And indeed we believed it was.  We began with getting FOOD into her (no shortage of raw cow's milk) mixed with a mega dose of Colloidal Silver.

the next DAY it was looking better, there was a little opening forming by the corner of her eye and yucky goo coming out.  We used a needle-less syringe and filled the abscess with CS.   Every time she ate, she got CS.  By this second day, her apatite was up and she was moving around more.  She was actually screaming when we took this a normal pig. 

This day we are seeing MUCH improvement as the abscess was forced open with the syringe and the CS and all the puss drained out.  We were still fairly sure she had lost the eye.  We could not get it open and there was no evidence of a sparkly eyeball.  
 Day Four of the ongoing CS treatment and the dead flesh is falling off, you can see the beginnings of a sparkly little eye in there....see it? (YEA!!)
 Day five.... dead skin falling off more and a bit more drainage.  She can blink the eye to sunlight, so we know she is not blind.
 Day six.. wound healing nicely.  NO more infection.  AND she eats like a ....PIG!!
 Here you can, on Day seven see her looking into the camera with that eye we thought was dead!!  Hair is already starting to grow back too.  I have no doubt there will be some scarring, but a life saved is worth it!!
Colloidal Silver is my go-to thing for so many problems on the ranch.  Most folks would have culled and not bothered with her.  A penny saved is a penny earned.

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