Monday, March 25, 2013

Artificial Insemination is NOT for the weak.....

I know this because today, I started a three day seminar at U.C.Davis on just this.  I borrowed my husbands car to make the daily drive... I rarely get time alone in the car and since his little car feels like a RACE car, I turned the radio up really LOUD.  The first song when I hit the freeway was "Ride into the Danger Zone" the theme song from Top Gun.. I laughed out loud and deemed it my "theme song of the day"!!

I was so encouraged when I arrived at the facilities to see that there were several women, and most of them had less livestock experience than I did.

After a quite lengthy lecture and discussion regarding the reproductive organs of the bovine we were allowed to handle, dissect and try to insert an insemination gun into cadaver bovines.  Although this seemed horrid.. it was really reassuring that it could be done!!

Oddly, after handling all that "meat" we then had lunch.  I was already exhausted from all the new information swirling in my head.. and the lunch was yummy... but after handling all that.. and anticipation of the next thing... I could not eat much.

That is when we got to "The Danger Zone"  a WHOLE line of Holstein cows just waiting for a bunch of students to palpate.  What I found interesting was (besides how BIG these cows are compared to mine) is how quickly fatigued the  muscles in my arm became.

Poor girls.... but I am projecting myself on them...they all munched on hay while we were feeling their reproductive organs.  Since most of them were coming into heat, they did not mind.

I am looking forward to a long good sleep and more class tomorrow.

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